Rest Registry

My Goal is to Raise 10k for Haiti and Jamaica

Make a donation.

Peace, family! I hope this message finds you well and in great spirits. I am so excited to share some updates with you. Spirit has called me back home to Haiti for a recharge and re-remembering. I need to rest and further sharpen my spiritual tools. As Iā€™m transitioning into a new season of my life, Iā€™ve had a lot of time to reflect and more deeply assess what it is that I need to be my best, so that my community can receive the overflow.


As an astrologist, medium, doula, wife and parent, I (gleefully) share so much of myself and my capacity. I believe in this work and I believe that the tools Iā€™ve cultivated and have been called to share matter. There is so much evidence of the necessity of spiritual, cosmic and interpersonal work. With that being said, this call to serve requires an energetic exchange, simply.

In order to be my best, I must take a beat and pour back into myself. It would be a disservice to myself, my loved ones, clients and greater community if I donā€™t take this necessary time for me. 

For those of you who know me and have worked with me, youā€™ve seen the evidence of how I show up. Iā€™m a fierce advocate and roaring cheerleader for those I love and support, now Iā€™m asking for that support and advocacy in return. Iā€™m asking for tangible assistance to get me to Haiti this summer and Jamaica this fall for much needed restoration. I believe in my heart that we can collectively get me there!

Liquid funds are most needed, I also recognize times are hard for most of us. However, closed mouths donā€™t get fed! In addition to cash donations, I welcome air miles, reposts and shares. Pennies make dollars, every bit counts!

As I plan for the remainder of the year, I wanted to create a fun way to transition into my new offerings and extend you all something sweet in return for your support. Iā€™ll be launching my fundraising campaign on my birthday (shout out to Gemini season!) and doing a raffle! As my work is expanding, I will soon no longer have the same capacity for live readings.

From May 23rd to May 30th

Anyone who makes a love offering of $88 or more will be in the running for a 60 minute live reading of their choice!

And anyone who makes a love offering of $36 or more will be in the running for a pre-recorded 30 minute reading of their choice.




Iā€™m trusting that my way will be made, sweetly and swiftly. I thank you for all of your continued love and support as I charter new territory and come home to myself.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! 

Christine, The Cosmic Doula
